All recipes, photographs and articles posted on this website are protected by copyright. Please feel free to print what you need, but do not repost without prior written approval.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hello Everyone

Well, after much prompting and suggestions by many of my friends, I've decided to start a blog. I figure that while I am on Summer break from school, I might as well give it a go. :) That should give me plenty of time to sort everything out before school starts back up for me in the fall.

I suppose I should tell you a bit about myself and what my plans are for this blog. I'm a SAHM, student, & military wife. I've been married for almost 19 yrs. My hubby & I were high school sweethearts. We have 3 handsome boys ages 19,11, & 9. We are currently calling Texas our home & we'll be here until the Air Force says otherwise.

I love to cook. Really really love it. It's almost an obsession, really. It's what I do in my free time, when I have it. Cooking is how I relax. It's how I help take care of my family. It's I'm what you might call a tweaker...a recipe tweaker...not that other kind of tweaker. :) I don't often follow a recipe exactly. Actually, I'm pretty sure I haven't followed a recipe exactly in years. Drives my dear sweet hubby nuts. But, he deals. :) I use recipes as guidelines and then I add a bit of this, and a bit of that until I think it's good. Usually it turns out well...usually.

This blog is going to chronicle my cooking adventures. I'll post my family's favorites, new recipe adventures, meal plans, and other kitchen adventures. I'll also share some of our day to day life stuff. Some of it. As much as I think you can handle. 'Cause we're a bit crazy. I'll try to ease you into the crazy slowly.

I hope you like it enough to come back and visit. :)


  1. Denise,
    I can hardly wait! I am so glad your doing this. I already have a question for you. I bought a rice cooker cause I read you and Michele use them with great results. My question is when you cook Japaness rice in the cooker and follow their directions is the rice still somewhat tacky or sticky? Mine is.

    Good luck on the blog. I will be following.

  2. I have never madeJapanese rice.Sounds like something I'm gonna have to try and blog about.

  3. We buy and use japenese rice, i don't use a rice cooker but yeah it does come out kinda sticky-tacky. I love it compared to regular rice lol
